Friday, August 12, 2011

The Last Olympian

Title: The Last Olympian
Author: Rick Riordan
Genre: Fantasy
# of Pages: 
Books Read: 20/50

I really appreciate how consistent the author has been throughout this series. Sometimes, you end up loving one book more than all the rest, or there's one that just isn't as impressive. I think, for the most part, I have sped through reading and loved all 5 in this series. I also like how he ties all the books together. I think if I went back and read them again, I would see foreshadowing of the end in the earlier books. It's pretty awesome.

I was reading this one on my break from lifeguarding at the beach, while sitting in the concession stand. A group of young boys (elementary school age) came up to buy candy from me. When they noticed my book sitting on the counter, they got all excited and exclaimed about how good of a book it is! I was excited, too, to be able to reply, "I know, I love it!" 

Also, if anyone can explain to me the "spaghetti" rule for the ball game 500, I would love it. (That's what these boys were playing at the beach when I was lifeguarding today)

1 comment:

  1. this book completely BLEW ME AWAY!!! It has everything: romance, action, suspense. I love how Percy and Annabeth fall in love at the end. You can really tell that the characters have matured a lot and it makes me want to start at the beginning all over again. So basically I LOVED the book and I think it was the best book in the series BY FAR!!! I am really going to miss this series a lot!!!!!!!
